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LaGrange High School History

Opened in 1903, the original LaGrange High School sat on Harwell Avenue and housed grades 1-10 (there was no grade 11 or 12).  This building was outgrown and a new building was constructed on land purchased at the current site on North Greenwood Street (which, at the time, was considered out of the town limits).  The Harweel Avenue building remained in use an elementary until it was eventually demolished.

The first building constructed at 516 North Greenwood Street opened it's doors in 1916.  It was a large red brick building with Ionic Columns. It included classrooms, a gym, and vocational shops. Sadly, this building burned down in 1944.

The third LaGrange High School building, the second on the North Greenwood site, was constructed in 1948, it is currently known as the "A" building, which houses classrooms, administrative offices, and the Auditorium. The Physical Education and Athletics Building, often referred to as the Boy's Gym, was built in 1954 through the generosity of the Callaway Foundation. This currently houses the Competition Gymnasium, Weight Room, Training Facilities, Athletic Offices, and Health Classrooms.  The original cafeteria was torn down and expanded in 1972.

A massive exspansion complete in 1980 doubled the size of the school adding a vocational wing, band room, Girl's Gym, and Horticulture Research Garden. A renovation in 2000 was undertaken to update the building with such ammenties as state of the art digital internet lines and new air conditioning systems.

The last expansion of the campus was completed in 2009 with the addition of new science classrooms, new vocational rooms, an expanded library, an expanded lunchroom, new chorus room, new art rooms, and improvements throughout the buildings.

Beyond the school facilities the campus also has exstensive outdoor spaces. Sports practice and competition facilities, a band practice field, outdoor tables, and other ammenties complete the Greenwood Street Campus.


LaGrange High School Through the Years...

These images are courtesy of the Troup County Archives, and are part of their collection.  These images may not be used or reproduced without their permission.  If you would like a copy of any of these images please contact the Troup County Archives.

The original 1903 LaGrange High School
Located on Harwell Avenue



The Second LaGrange High School
On Current Site



The Second School Building when it opened.

A football game at the original building, this field is where the current "B Building" and Band Room are located.


The 1948 LaGrange High School Building

(This is the current "A" Building)


Front of the 1948 Building under construction.


The 1948 Building under construction.
This view is along Highland Avenue showing the Theater Entrance.

1948 Building on Opening Day.

The 1948 Building shortly after its opening.

The 1948 Building during the 1960's

The 1980 Expansion

The "A" Building, the "B" Building, and Band Room additions in 1980